
White Rice

It is the form of Rice in which husk and bran have been removed completely during the milling process. Because the white rice undergoes this process, it is also known as polished rice. This alters the flavor, texture and appearance of the rice.

Parboiled Rice

It is easy to cook and can be made in any variety Basmati, non-basmati or long grain. It is an ancient way to boil the paddy to obtain parboil rice. Parboiled rice color is like golden because during the paddy boiling, rice absorbs the husk color.

Brown Rice

All varieties given below can be supplied in there brown form means the rice has been husked, graded, cleaned, sorted but not gone through the polisher. This kind of rice is hard to cook but has more vitamins than the white rice because of having 8% bran layers on the top. It remains short after cooking, the outer bran layers of rice do not allow it to elongates compare to white form of rice does.

Short-Grain Rice

It is easy to cook and can be made in any vaShort-grain rice, or Japonica rice, contains more starch than long-grain. The grains are plump and shorter, and tend to stick together when cooked. It is popular throughout Asia and eaten on the side or used to make sushi. It is also a good rice for making rice puddings, due to its starch content. riety Basmati, non-basmati or long grain. It is an ancient way to boil the paddy to obtain parboil rice.

Pakistani Basmati Rice

Basmati 385

The flexible masterpiece and genuine culinary master Basmati 385 stands out in the illustrious history of Pakistani rice. A medley of scents wakes your senses with each inhalation of one of its long, delicate grains. The flavors that Basmati 385 imports from Pakistan’s highlands go amazingly well with a range of dishes. This variety tells a rich story that is likely to leave a long-lasting impression on palates all across the world. Whether it is the centerpiece of a decadent biryani or the foundation of a warm rice dish.

PK-1121 Basmati

The fertile soils of Pakistan are the source of the 1121 varieties of Basmati rice. It stands out as the best rice type in Pakistan. The grains are long, delicate, and have a perfume that is both seductive and evocative because of the precise attention with which they are grown. From first glimpse to last taste, the 1121 Basmati experience is out of the ordinary, elevating every supper into a formal affair. This kind evokes wealth and extravagance and leaves a lasting impact on the lips and palates of connoisseurs everywhere.

Super Basmati

Super Basmati is the pinnacle of Pakistani rice, and its name is a byword for refinement and subtle smells. This prestigious cultivar, which is grown in the fertile soil of Pakistan, has thinly long grains that emit a tempting smell. Super Basmati takes you back to its spot of birth with every mouthful. Where the skill of nature meets the highest standards of cuisine. Super Basmati is a memorial to the beautiful service of Pakistani rice, providing an unparalleled experience.

Pakistani Non-Basmati Rice


IRRI-9 takes its place as the obedient employee. In Pakistan’s busy kitchens, a basic that forms the basis of many meals. Due to its medium-grain texture and natural capacity to absorb flavors, it serves as a blank canvas for culinary inspiration. High level of consistency is shown in IRRI-9. Whether it is added to a tasty cuisine as a side dish or cooked into a flavorful pulao. In homes across Pakistan, it is a revered and trusted culinary symbol that has been forgotten. And a demonstration of the enduring influence of good taste and purity.

PK 386

In the vibrant and brilliant mixture of Pakistani rice, PK 386 stands out as a flexible genius. It is a grain that adapts readily to any recipe. Its medium-grain structure, which is adorned with a sweet scent, opens the door for a wide range of imaginative experimentation. Whether it is exquisitely steamed or prepared as a flavorful biryani. Each dish that PK 386 garnishes gains a certain flair as a result. This sort of rice, which typifies Pakistani cuisine, has earned its rightful place as a fixture in the kitchen.


IRRI 6 rice is long grain non-basmati rice. This long grain variety is inferior to others grades of non-basmati and is generally supplied in bulk shipments to African regions.This rice is short long grain non basmati rice produce in interior Sindh and Punjab Region of Pakistan and is very popular in Bangladesh, African Continent and Gulf Markets.